God loves you and He is mindful of you, what do I mean by God is mindful of you? I mean He is alert, He is focused and He is paying attention. When God is mindful of you, He notices everything in your life. He knows exactly what you are going through and how you feel. The bible says in Isaiah 49:16a “See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands”. He is aware of your situation and He is willing to turn it around for your good.
No one cares more about you and your life than God. No human being, not even you. That’s why God’s destiny is always the best. God loves you perfectly and He is always thinking about you and what is best for you. Though as human beings, we sometimes think we are alone when we are going through challenges, especially when the result we hope for is not manifesting. We need to be God conscious and have faith in God that He cannot forsake us.
God can do what no one else can. He is not limited by the natural. He is a supreme God, He is a supernatural God. It doesn’t matter how long you have had that challenge or how impossible it looks, all the forces of darkness cannot stop what God wants to do. He is a powerful God and constantly thinking of you. “Give God all your worries and all your cares for He is always thinking about you watching everything that concerns you” (1 Peter 5:7). Whatever concerns you, concerns God. Whatever you’re worried about, whatever you’re afraid of, whatever keeps you up at night, whatever gets your attention, gets God’s attention.
This is just to let you know that you are not forgotten, God is thinking of you. He is a healer and restorer.
God bless you.